Never Forgotten Honor Flight
5505 Lakeshore Dr
Wausau, WI 54401
(715) 573-9496
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The Never Forgotten Honor Flight is a Not For Profit Organization of dedicated Volunteers providing Veterans with closure, gratitude & respect, by flying them to Washington D.C. to visit their memorials. Priority is given to senior veterans – World War II era, followed by Korea era & lastly Vietnam era. Each era will fly on a first come first served by the date of their application. This trip is absolutely free for the veterans!

Open Door
319 4th st
Wausau, WI 54403
(715) 370-6859
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The Open Door of Marathon County offers temporary help to current and newly released inmates, clothing, a safe place once released from jail to have a coffee and talk to volunteers about the resources that are available to them._ Two of those resources are The Making Amends classes and Partner Project._ One of the educational components is the Life Skills and Job Readiness Training classes offered to inmates who are on Huber Law and currently incarcerated

Patriot K9 Partners
7333 West Stewart Avenue
Wausau, WI 54401
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Patriots For Warriors
PFW contributes raised funds to local veterans in need (rent, car repair, food, gas etc) and other non-profit organizations that support veterans such as Never Forgotten Honor Flight, Camp American Legion and Hogs for Heros . We also support in non-financial ways such as assisting with moving, lawn care, snow shoveling.
We raise money with fund raisers such as the pool tournament, raffles through out the year and motorcycle rides.

PTSD Annonymous
Kronenwetter Municipal Center
1582 Kronenwetter Dr
Mosinee, WI 54455
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Salvation Army Basic Skills Program
202 Callon St
Wausau, WI 54401
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Social Services for Marathon County
400 East Thomas St
Wausau, WI 54403
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St Vincent de Paul
131 Thomas St
Wausau, WI 54401
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Stable Hands Equine Therapy Center
10710 Evergreen Drive
Wausau, WI 54401
Diane: 715-359-6046
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Stable Hands’ program for Veterans is called V.A.S.T. (Veterans Assisted Sports Training). Therapeutic horses are partnered with Veterans for them to gain self-understanding and emotional growth. V.A.S.T. recognizes the bond between animals and humans, and sees the potential for emotional healing that can occur when a relationship is formed and nurtured.
The Stable Hands V.A.S.T. Program offers horse-based activities to enhance the recovery from physical, emotional, social and cognitive struggles that veterans may face in civilian life. We offer different levels of instruction to guide Veterans through the program.

Tomah VA Medical Center
515 S 32nd Ave
Wausau, WI 54401
(608) 372-3971 X:63406
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